Friday, November 4, 2011

The Osaka Marathon

Pre-race, near Osaka castle

Time: 5:10:56 - 16 minutes faster than my previous PB
Marathons are a tough event. But they are getting easier each time. My first in 2007 was hell on earth. My second in February this year was a very tough ordeal. My third, in Osaka last weekend, was difficult but much more manageable. I’m slowly getting closer to where I want to be as a runner.

Last weekend I went to Osaka for the first Osaka marathon, running it with fellow Nambanners Chika, Laci, and Thomas. It had been eight months since the Tokyo marathon, and I had done a lot of running, including a few races.

I didn’t run for a week before the marathon, and was feeling fine, until about 24 hours before the race when I started getting pain in the heel of my left foot for no apparent reason. I wondered if I should even go ahead and do the marathon, but it seemed a waste to have come all this way to just give up. So I got into my running gear and got to the start.

Chika, Laci, and Thomas were all in different starting blocks so I just sat down under a tree while I waited for the start, willing my heel to stop hurting. It didn’t. The race started, and I felt better once I started moving, somehow running felt better than walking or even sitting still.

The weather was cool and overcast, and I jogged slowly through the first few kilometers, passing the genki young-ish governor of Osaka, Toru Hashimoto who was also running, quite a contrast to Tokyo, where the grizzled governor Shintaro Ishihara just waved regally down at the runners from his platform.

The crowd was very friendly, and it felt a bit different to Tokyo. There seemed to be many more older people than in Tokyo, and while Tokyo’s course seems to spend a lot of time hovering around the centers of political and economic power, Osaka’s seemed to spend more time going through regular neighborhoods. On some level there seemed to be more town pride too – I got the feeling that the Tokyo marathon was about the marathon, but the Osaka marathon was about Osaka.

The organization was quite good, everything seemed to work, and unlike Tokyo this year the water stations did not run out towards the end. More toilets would have been nice, but apart from that it was all good.

By about half-way through the race I wasn’t noticing my heel at all, but my left ankle had started to hurt a lot, which meant I spent the second half of the race alternating between walking and running. That was frustrating, but I still managed to make decent time, and if it hadn’t been for ten or so minutes waiting to go to the toilet I probably would have hit my goal time of five hours.

In Tokyo in the final run up to the finish line at Tokyo Big Sight for some reason the spectators are fenced off behind high walls. In Osaka this was not the case and through those last few kilometers it really helped to be able to skim past high-fiving the crowd and getting that little energy boost from them.

When I finished Tokyo, I collapsed against a wall and then dragged myself home on blistered feet, in agony for a few weeks afterwards. This time, I was tired and in pain but not anywhere near as wrecked, and the next day Thomas and I wandered around for a few hours doing sightseeing.

It is finished! Self, Thomas, Laci, and Chika.
Pic taken by Naoko, courtesy of Laci.
Everyone did well, “Rocket” Chika ran 3:24:58, Laci ran a PB of 3:56:42, and Thomas, in his first ever marathon, finished in 4:42:52.

As for me, my body is gradually toughening up, and next time I will break five hours. Each time gets a little easier, and I hope before long I will have the strength in my legs to run the whole distance. I hope to make it back to Osaka next year, and really give the course a run for its money!


  1. Gutsy run, well done. I wonder what the problem with your left foot is. First heel, then ankle...strange.

  2. Thanks Bob. It was tough, but is getting better each time. I think I need to get my foot looked at.
